Earthquake Hits Morocco


The search for survivors continues in Morocco after a magnitude 6.8 earthquake. The United Nations is in close contact with authorities to support assessment and response.

Families in several cities in Morocco rushed out of their homes and into the streets after a powerful earthquake — the biggest to hit the area in over a century — struck at 11:11 p.m. on Sept. 8, 2023. A 4.9 magnitude aftershock followed 19 minutes later; several more have been reported.

Buildings collapsed, leaving more than 2,100 people dead and thousands injured, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), UNICEF’s emergency partner, reported as the urgent search for survivors continues.

Families are trapped under the rubble of their homes

The epicenter of the magnitude 6.8 quake was in the High Atlas Mountains about 45 miles southwest of the city of Marrakech.

Many families are trapped under the rubble of their homes; damage to parts of Marrakech’s Medina, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has also been reported. Hospitals in the city are receiving an influx of injured people, where authorities have called on residents to donate blood.

The United Nations stands ready to assist the Government of Morocco

More than 380,000 people live within 30 miles of the epicenter. Rescuers are struggling to reach remote mountainous villages over roads blocked by debris.

António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, issued a statement saying the United Nations is ready to assist the Government of Morocco in its efforts to aid the impacted population.

The United Nations is in constant communication with the authorities to support assessment and response to the situation. Consultations are ongoing in order to further identify areas where the UN and its partners can provide support in the coming hours and days.

UNICEF puts children first in emergencies

In an emergency, children are always among the most vulnerable. Children and families may have been displaced by the quake, and could be in urgent need of shelter, safe water, medical care, protection and psychosocial support.

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