Blinken Accused of Lying Under Oath About Hunter Biden Ties


The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is facing allegations of lying under oath about his contact with Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. A former House speaker and a Republican senator have claimed that Blinken has a close relationship with the Biden family and their allies, who are under investigation for corruption.

What Did Blinken Say Under Oath?

Blinken testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January 2021 during his confirmation hearing. He was asked by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) if he had ever met with Hunter Biden or discussed his business dealings.

Blinken said he had not met with Hunter Biden since he joined the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma in 2014. He also said he had not spoken to him about his business interests.

Blinken also dismissed the allegations of corruption against Hunter Biden as “a bunch of garbage” and “Russian disinformation.” He said he knew nothing of any wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or anyone else in the Biden family.

What Is the Evidence Against Blinken?

However, emails obtained by Fox News Digital from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop show that Blinken had met with Hunter Biden at the State Department in July 2015, when he was serving as the deputy secretary of state in the Obama-Biden administration.

The emails also show that Hunter Biden had ties to Blinken and his wife, Evan Ryan, dating back over a decade. He had scheduled meetings with them while he was on the board of Burisma, and Blinken was deputy secretary of state.

In one email from May 2015, Hunter Biden asked Blinken for his “advice” on some things. In another email from June 2015, he thanked Blinken for inviting him to a breakfast meeting.

What Are the Consequences for Blinken?

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who leads an investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings, told Fox News that he believes Blinken “lied boldface” to Congress and has evidence to prove it.

Johnson said he wanted to return Blinken and his wife for questioning and tell them to preserve their records. However, he said he does not trust Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, or anyone else in their circle.

Johnson also said Blinken could face criminal perjury charges, which is lying under oath. Perjury is a felony with a penalty of up to five years.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a Fox News contributor, echoed Johnson’s accusations and said Blinken is part of the “Biden extended family” and their “deep sense of corruption.”

Gingrich said there were many questions for Blinken, not only about his contact with Hunter Biden but also about his relationship with China and the amount of money he was getting paid by foreign entities.

Gingrich said there would be a point where the weight of evidence would be so great that either a special counsel would be appointed or people would be indicted.

How Did the White House Respond?

The White House dismissed the allegations against Blinken and accused the Republicans of weaponizing their power to go after their political opponents and re-litigate the 2020 election with misleading claims.

A White House spokesman said that instead of working with President Biden on the issues that matter most to the American people, such as lowering costs or tackling gun violence, House Republicans are moving ahead on a dangerous plan to push America into default an economic crisis.

The White House also defended Hunter Biden’s business activities and said he has worked as a lawyer and a businessman and has had clients worldwide. In addition, the White House said that Hunter Biden had taken steps to ensure no conflict of interest with his father’s presidency.


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