‘Terminator-style’ loss of control is biggest AI risk, Technology Secretary says


Losing control of artificial intelligence (AI) is the biggest concern around the computer science, the Technology Secretary has said.

Michelle Donelan said a Terminator-style scenario was a “potential area” where AI development could lead but “there are several stages before that”.

The Technology Secretary was speaking to Times Radio from the AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park, where the Government has convened governments from around the world alongside tech firms and civil society to discuss the risks of the advancing technology.

On the loss of control concern – which has been a topic of discussion in private sessions at the summit – Ms Donelan said: “That is a risk that is much more hypothetical in nature, that naturally is the one that I am most concerned about because it is the one that would result in the gravest ramifications.”

Put to her that was the “Terminator scenario” – a reference to the Arnold Schwarzenegger film where machines take over the world – she said: “Well, that is one potential area where it could lead but there are several stages before that.”

While attending the summit on Wednesday, Elon Musk said AI was “one of the biggest threats” humanity faces and said it was “not clear to me if we can control such a thing” when for the first time, humans faced “something that is going to be far more intelligent than us”.

Ms Donelan said the Government has a responsibility to manage the potential risks, but also said AI offered “humongous benefits”.

Speaking to GB News, she said: “We have convened countries across the globe, companies that are working in this space producing that cutting-edge AI and also academics, scientists, experts from all over the world to have a conversation and work out, ‘OK, what are the risks?’

“How can we work together in a long-term process so that we can really tackle this and get the benefits for humanity, not just here in the UK, but across the globe?”

She compared it to the international effort required to tackle climate change.

“We thought that actually what we need to do is work collaboratively with the rest of the world.

“I compare it to climate change – if we just do our own work in a silo, it won’t have the same impact.”

It comes after the first day of the summit saw delegations from around the world, including the US and China, agree on the so-called “Bletchley declaration” – a statement on the risks surrounding the technology to be used as the starting point for a global conversation on the issue.

Rishi Sunak is at the summit today, where he will host meetings with 27 countries, tech firms and civil society groups.

Ahead of those meetings, the Prime Minister has said the world owes it to younger generations to grip the risks of AI “early enough”.

“I believe there will be nothing more transformative to the futures of our children and grandchildren than technological advances like AI,” he said.

“We owe it to them to ensure AI develops in a safe and responsible way, gripping the risks it poses early enough in the process.”

He added that the task of monitoring the risks posed by AI could not be left to tech firms alone.

He warned companies could not be left to “mark their own homework” in an interview with the BBC, against a backdrop of concerns about the technology’s potential capabilities.


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