Tory minister repeatedly refuses to say Rishi Sunak has confidence in Suella Braverman


A Tory minister refused multiple times to say Rishi Sunak has confidence in Suella Braverman as Rishi Sunak is under mounting pressure to sack her.

Skills minister Robert Halfon also declined to say whether Ms Braverman would still be the home secretary this time next week.

Ms Braverman’s job is on the line after Downing Street made clear that it had not approved an extraordinary article in which she accused the Metropolitan Police of bias in favour of left-wing protests, including a planned pro-Palestinian march on Armistice Day this Saturday. Downing Street is investigating the article after it demanded that changes be made to the piece but the request was ignored.

On Friday details emerged of which changes Ms Braverman did and did not make at No10’s request, including that she removed a direct reference to Mr Sunak.

The home secretary took out a warning to the police not to take a “soft touch” at the Armistice Day protest, along with claims there was “ample evidence” that senior police officers were biassed, The Times reported.

But it said she rejected further changes, including suggestions that she remove the comparison to rallies in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.

Labour on Thursday mocked the Prime Minister as “spineless” and argued that the move by Mrs Braverman amounts to a breach of the ministerial code.

The rules for ministers state that “all major interviews and media appearances, both print and broadcast, should also be agreed with the No 10 Press Office”.

And senior Tories rounded on Ms Braverman, including justice committee chairman Sir Bob Neill saying her position is “untenable”.

Tory former attorney general Dominic Grieve also said Ms Braverman’s position is untenable.

“It is not for her publicly to attack the police in this fashion and it gives the impression she wishes to control the police decision making and that in a free and democratic society is unacceptable,” he told BBC Newsnight.

“On the face of it she has created chaos within government.”

Asked by Sky News whether the PM had confidence in Ms Braverman, Mr Halfon refused to answer, insisting the government is focused “on the people’s priorities”.

And pressed on whether she would be sacked, the minister said: “The Prime Minister decides who his ministers are. That’s way above my pay grade.”

Ms Braverman’s article in The Times compared “pro-Palestinian mobs” to marches in Northern Ireland and claimed the protesters are “largely ignored” by officers “even when clearly breaking the law”.

She has already called the demonstrations attended by thousands “hate marches” ahead of another rally in London coinciding with Armistice Day, despite Government objections.

Asked whether he agreed with Ms Braverman, Mr Halfon said: “I’ve always thought that it’s absolutely essential that the operational independence of the police is respected.

“The PM is doing everything he can to ensure that remembrance services go ahead successfully and peacefully.”

But, amid fears Saturday’s march could descend into violence, Mr Halfon said the police will be “accountable for what happens”.


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