Chauvin’s stabbing in prison: Letters to the Editor — Nov. 29, 2023


The Issue: Derek Chauvin’s prison stabbing and the “Fall of Minneapolis” documentary on his murder trial.

It’s interesting that ex-police officer Derek Chauvin was stabbed just as the “The Fall of Minneapolis” documentary debuted, debunking myths surrounding the death of career criminal George Floyd (“New film gives reel truth in the face of George Floyd lies,” Miranda Devine, Nov. 20).

In arresting a non-compliant Floyd — who was on drugs and suffered from both heart disease and COVID — Chauvin used a common restraint taught to police recruits, according to the documentary.

Yet his trial was a narrative of lies that the biased Judge Peter Cahill proudly and openly weaved.

The day is approaching when the country will vote in favor of jurists dedicated to the law.

Susan Silver


I am as pro-police as they come, having served as a police and fire surgeon, so I have an intimate understanding of police officers’ mindset and behavior.

Derek Chauvin was problematic — arrogant, violent and cocky.

While I don’t believe he consciously intended to kill, it’s evident that he inflicted pain to impart a lesson.

Regarding the assertion about a conspiracy to kill Chauvin, I cannot say whether it is right or wrong. What is clear is that Chauvin played a significant role in the situation he now faces.

Dennis O’Connor

Hemlock, Mich.

With the recent stabbing of Derek Chauvin, it has now become clear that he is not just a victim of this attack, but also a victim of the progressive state.

With his conviction failing to be overturned, the state has evolved into a monster of tyranny and oppression.

It is now an existential threat to our rights, freedom, and liberty. The judicial system has failed the American people.

Edward Sanchez

New Rochelle

An insightful piece exposes the sanguinary ethos of the radical left (“Railroaded Derek Chauvin’s foes will stop at nothing to punish ex-cop as he’s nearly killed in prison,” Miranda Devine, Nov. 26).

It seemed evident even at the time that George Floyd was not murdered by Derek Chauvin.

However, this did not deter anarchists from engaging in deadly riots — a chaos that persists to this day with Chauvin’s recent stabbing.

James McCafferty


The Issue: Governor Hochul’s vetoing of a bill to create an organized shoplifting task force.

As much as I disagree with Gov. Hochul’s positions on practically everything, I have to applaud her for vetoing the bill to create a “task force” to combat retail theft (“Legislature sends clear signal to shoplifting thugs: Go for it!,” Nov. 27).

The idea of spending $35 million for a panel of political hacks — appointed by the very people who created the problem in the first place — to “study” the issue is ludicrous.

A better solution would be to rein in progressive prosecutors and judges and put the money into law en­forcement.

Paul Oster

Rockaway, NJ

New York’s hug-a-thug policies have produced inevitable results.

Crimes that our district attorneys refuse to prosecute are going through the roof.

The result is to further drive down the quality of life in the city. This includes soaring shoplifting, as stores must pass on their losses to consumers in the form of increased prices on their merchandise or, worse yet, have to go out of business due to unsustainable losses.

Left-wing progressives like Kathy Hochul got what they wanted, and this is what we got.

These problems have all been created by our elected officials, and it’s impossible to correct them while they remain in power.

Thomas Urban


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