Keyshawn Johnson Calls Out Jerry Jones For Mike McCarthy Comments



Jerry Jones has been in charge of the Dallas Cowboys for decades, yet sometimes it feels like he’s new at this.

More often than not, the controversial business owner says things he shouldn’t say, putting pressure on his employees at the worst possible time and creating buzz and narratives when the team least needs a distraction.

Like clockwork, this season wasn’t the exception to the rule.

This time, when asked about the future of HC Mike McCarthy, Jones stated that they would ‘see how each game goes.’

That’s why former NFL WR Keyshawn Johnson put him on blast in the latest edition of Undisputed.

“Why would you apply this type of pressure at the start of the playoffs where he will coach scared?” Johnson asked.

Johnson believes that now, McCarthy is going to coach scared and wonder if each game could be his last game with the team, and that’s all on Jones.

The former wideout claimed that Jones could’ve shaken off that question by simply stating that they were looking forward to facing the Green Bay Packers and weren’t satisfied with getting the No. 2 seed and the divisional title.

Jones had McCarthy’s back over and over throughout the course of the season, so those comments seemed out of place and out of line.

This is the last thing his team needed at this point, especially considering their long-withstanding history of playoff collapses and how often they’ve dropped the ball when it matters the most.

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